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CeemeeThis didn't really come with instructions. My liberal interpretation of this meme is that I try to put up my Christmas wish list and you try to make it come true. Ready? Go!Material stuff:1. Books always work for me... I still haven't read Books 9, 10 and 11 of Wheel of Time Series... I've always meant to read Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point,
Blink (see update below) and his new one The Outliers.
2. Practical stuff works too... I don't like buying clothes, so if your fashionable and think you can rub some of your fashion sense on me, feel free to try.
3. I've been meaning to get a foldable bike.
"Big" stuff:1. Gift of your time and your ears. I'd like to share someone really important to you. He's someone who gives me hope and assurance and I I'd like you to meet Him too. It's the perfect season too, after all it's His birthday.
2. If you want to give me a gift that's really a gift for you, just go ahead and sponsor a kid at
World Vision. (If you're interested and want to ask questions, feel free to contact me.)
3. Discipline and drive. Honestly, if you have a suggestion as to how I'll manage to get these 2 things, I'll appreciate it.
Others: 1. Hmm... something really helpful like inside information. If you have any tips to give me, say Oscar dela Hoya is throwing
the match, maybe a certain stock will hit the roof, or whatever... that would be most welcome.
2. Hard cash!
3. If you still can't choose from those listed above, easy choices include a new phone, a laptop (or a mini notebook hehe), a car, Wii, a job that pays 7 digits/annum (ok, so this one is pretty serious--if you want to pirate me, please, I'm willing.)
Super wishes:1. Ability to fly (if you can grant this, forget the car but I still want the bike).
2. Ability to read minds (not hear them like in
What Women Wants mind you--that would be maddening).
3. Charm... oh wait, I already have that, except I'm somehow only able to charm the young ones and the young once... can't figure out the ones in the middle.
Oh, and if your planning to get me something that's not on this list, just go ahead and surprise me. (WARNING: Pens, towels and mugs are not considered surprises.)
Hmm... let me see, let's see if we can tag these people out of their lethargy:
Miss Elle,
Runawat Cat, and
Rian. To you 5, if you want to avoid receiving mugs and pens this Christmas, do this meme. Let that serve as my warning to you.
NB If you don't know me and came across this list and somehow think, "My, how cheeky! Maybe I should grant a wish or 2 (or 3)..." You're more then welcome to do so.
UPDATE: I managed to acquire a copy of blink in a bazaar I attended last Saturday for only P150... it's a little below half the price because it's pre-owned, but it's in very good condition! Yay! To anyone who's considering giving me a book as a gift? It doesn't even have to be new! I'm of the philosophy that it's the content of the book that matters, not the cover. Oh, and I'd been wishing I could get a hold of a copy of Freakonomics too hehe... That's all folks! (12.01.08)