Ok, so who exactly is Mo? If you don't know him, there's still time to start listening to his radio show
Good Times with Mo, Mojo and Grace Lee, 6 to 9am Monday to Thursdays at Magic 89.9. I've been following it, using it as my alarm clock even, for a few months now and I must say, it's fun! Not always classy, but always funny! Sure helps break the monotony of the morning grind. In fact one of the ways they liven things up is through some of the contest they play or the topic they ask listeners to contribute their thoughts on. Calling and joining might just land you a ticket to a hot concert (like the EHeads concert last March and the Davids last month) or even GC to places like Hotel Sofitel's Spiral.
So to go back to the game... This is something like that, except it's even better! Every day (at least everyday they're on, which is actually 4days/wk) they give away money. All you have to do is be lucky enough for your phone number to get called, and then to actually know how much they're supposed to be giving away that day. So how could you know? It's really quite simple really, all you have to do is read his
blog at
sandbox. You have to sign up first though.
Yesterday, they gave away P25,371.14 and P10,748.69 today. Not bad huh? Sure beats any concert ticket or even GC to Spiral. Oh, and one last thing, Mo is calling random numbers from a list he has from somewhere. Yesterday he said there's about 200 there, so fat chance that your's is in there, so even if somehow you managed to get somebody who's already on sandbox to tell you the price, you still have to actually sign up, comment on his blog and give your number so he can include it in his list.
The question that's begging to be asked now is: How do I know that it's not rigged to allow only predetermined people to actually win a prize?
I think this is the real deal. For one thing, they call people who don't seem to know the answer because they are simply unaware of the contest. That in itself is nothing because that part too can be stage-managed. Although I mention this because I read an entry in sandbox earlier about Mae, a blogger who's also on sandbox, lamenting her lost. She was actually the 2nd or 3rd one called today ( I can't remember except that one they called was guy with a really loud dog), and she just wasn't prepared. I'm pretty sure she's not lying about that. Still, that's not incontrovertible proof, even if it's pretty good. Another reason why I say this is they don't just call people who knows the show, yesterday, a woman they called begged off and hanged up on them. I'm sure that couldn't be good for their self-esteem, so I doubt they'd rig it that way.
And of course, what do you lose if you give it a try? 5 mins of your time, maybe? Or none if you end up enjoying sandbox. Oh, and I hear they're giving away P40K on Monday to celebrate their 4th Anniversary.
Forty thousand pesos! For me, that's 40,000 reasons to sign up!
(Click the image to sign up!)And of course I have a better reason to believe this game is the real deal, indisputable as far as I'm concerned. What is it? Let's just say I'm P10,748.69 richer after today.