Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy National Physical Therapy Day!

Go give your favorite Physical Therapist a gift or something! (Hint: I'm a Physical Therapist)

Ok, so I realize that not many people are familiar with what Physical Therapy is exactly or that it actually takes 5 years of tertiary education. (Yes, I did not just fail a year.) In light of this special occasion, I thought it might be interesting to see what people actually thought about PT's. Let me know what you know or at least what you think. Please post your thoughts and maybe questions about Physical Therapy here, and I'll do my best to clarify them. Hopefully, this will be educational not just for me but also for you.

Happy PT Day!

If you want to know more about the local scene or simply interested in joining the upcoming national convention, please visit PPTA's new website.


Anonymous said...

how different is a PT from those massage therapists? or is there really a term for massage therapists or those are PTs? and happy PT day!

philos said...

@PM: Heya! Thanks thanks! Well, for one thing, massage therapist aren't PT's, they study how to give massage and get certified for it. Most of them are way way more proficient than PT's in doing that. PT's may sometimes use massage or other manual manipulation techniques to achieve a specific purpose or as a form of treatment, but in most cases, massage accounts for less than 1% of what we study or do when we work.

Feel free to ask follow up questions, sometimes I muddle through answering question that might end up confusing you more than before you asked hehe